Business Opportunities Sourcing from Kosovo and North Macedonia - a behind the scenes look

We got a chance to see the dynamic markets of Kosovo and North Macedonia first-hand in a recent trip

Since product development began at we have been sourcing business opportunities from the ground- the GIZ projects in countries around the globe. We started in 2017 with a sourcing mission in Ethiopia and Egypt. Over the last years we have been able to get opportunities from colleagues in Thailand and very recently met our partners in Kosovo and North Macedonia.

What does this mean for businesses?

This means on, you as a company can search for real life business opportunities and supply needs that are waiting to be discovered. Our colleagues at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) support local governments, its ministries and local businesses to grow particular sectors in each country of operation. In these projects there is often the need for knowledge, raw material and trainings which can be done by small or large businesses depending on the scale of the projects.

Opportunities from Kosovo

In Kosovo, various GIZ projects work on the topics of:

  • Sustainable economic development: stabilisation of the economy; employment and competitiveness; promotion of regional economies; basic education and vocational training
  • Public administration, democracy, civil society: promotion of municipal services, reform of public finance systems, legal reform, EU integration, youth development, land management
  • Energy: improving energy efficiency

In Kosovo, we learned that a huge impact can be created especially in the travel and tourism sector where we received an overwhelming response from both GIZ projects and local businesses.

Understanding our audience is a platform-based application where GIZ projects share opportunities for companies. Companies can search these opportunities by industries, location and type. During our trip, we met many of our partners and connected with their mindsets and specific needs.

Innovative start-ups:

During our trip to Kosovo we met local businesses and start-ups via the Innovation Center Kosovo. The Innovation Center Kosovo offers training, incubation, networks and working space for local start-ups. It is currently working with close to 400 start-ups benefiting over 4300+ individuals through ICT and business trainings.

Innovation center Kosovo (source : for start-ups

The highlight was that young start-ups particularly found that discovery of new business opportunities in new markets is a very valuable feature on The interactions also increased their awareness of various development challenges that were ripe and open for innovation and exploration. The most inspiring moment during our trip was watching more than 30 start-ups participating in a pitching event during our stay.

German-Kosovo Chamber of Commerce (Kosovarisch-Deutsche-Wirtschaftsverbund (KDWV))

The German-Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, together with its network, assists businesses with establishing contacts with German companies. Promoting trade, labor and production relations between Kosovo and Germany are its core profile.

Our pitch to local businesses at the KDWV

Responsible for creating a successful economic cooperation between the German and Kosovan business community, our partners at KDWV facilitated our interactions with close to 30 companies in a B2B networking format. It included multilaterals, consultants and investors from the local business ecosystem.

GIZ Project Teams

In Kosovo, our colleagues welcomed us with their strong networks, in-depth feedback and reflections on the way forward.

Interactions with GIZ colleagues at Kosovo

We developed a deep interest in promoting the travel and tourism sector including suppliers for marketing and tourism promotion. Colleagues from Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia expressed their openness for using to source companies.

The trip reminded us of our first visit to Cairo for co-creating an initial version of Here is a sneak peek!

#DoBusiness #DoGood

Our first mission in Cairo - 2018

Toast content has launched a special call supporting companies in Ukraine and Moldova, as well as civil society organisations in Germany. Find out more on the special pages.